Recommended Summer Reading

Looking for an inspiring read over the holidays?  “Te Kai a te Rangatira – Leadership from the Māori world” is an extraordinary book, and is highly recommended.  It shares the wisdom of over 100 rangatira from across Aotearoa, sometimes in English and sometimes in Te Reo Māori.  Here’s a few quotes: You carry your thousand…

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Is your philanthropic foundation extractive?

There’s a lot of discussion in the farming world about the importance of moving away from extractive practices and instead embracing regenerative agriculture – here’s a recent relevant story from the Waikato.   Might some of these same considerations apply to philanthropy? Let me start with a couple of dictionary definitions: extractive: the withdrawal of [natural]…

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A Pākehā journey

One of many useful resources from Te Wiki o te Reo Māori (Māori language week) is this user-friendly online quiz put out by Newshub, described as the “100 words and phrases the Ministry of Culture and Heritage says every New Zealander should know.”  Have a go!   But let’s not succumb to either shame, if…

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Untangling Judgement

When someone, particularly a politician, does something wrong, why is it that we sometimes judge their actions harshly, and sometimes leniently?  It seems to me that passing judgement implicitly involves considering questions like “is the action legal?”, “is the action socially acceptable?” and “is the action fair and morally justifiable?”  And then we overlay an…

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