Beyond the Funding Game

Community funding often isn’t as transparent as it should be; games get played and thorny issues are sometimes unacknowledged and often unaddressed. I explored some of this recently at a breakfast meeting with the Fundraising Institute in Auckland: – here is my presentation: “Beyond the game, through the thorny issues and towards thriving communities.” The…

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Walk a mile…

I have never had to walk 10 kilometres then catch a train in order to work at a minimum wage job.   I haven’t gone hungry so I can feed my kids like Tina, nor have I been one of a family of eight in a cold, damp, two-bedroom flat like Helen.  Instead I have led…

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Inverting the Hierarchy

The relationship between funders, not-for-profit organisations and the people and communities served tends to look like this:  FUNDERS (government and non-government)… decide funding (which, when and how much) for: NOT-FOR-PROFIT ORGANISATIONS, who… decide services (to whom, when and how much) for: PEOPLE AND COMMUNITIES In other words we have something of a hierarchy. I am…

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