Kate Frykberg https://validator.w3.org/feed/docs/rss2.html Join the funder transparency movement Belonging – an exploration Thunder, bubbles and power Missteps and learnings for supporting Māori Aspirations Ideas for funders wanting to better support Māori aspirations Recommended Summer Reading Is your philanthropic foundation extractive? Join our “Activating tangata Tiriti” gathering! Useful tools for responding to online racism Four things I learned at the Philanthropy New Zealand Summit Being Pākehā, improving relationships and exploring bicultural philanthropy Harmony and the case for Māori wards A Pākehā journey Untangling Judgement Seeking personal and national identity – and how the Treaty of Waitangi helps A story of a siege – and why it’s still relevant today Travel, Identity and Māori Language Week A South Pacific approach to philanthropy (and other inspirations) Prangs and Privilege Why Te Tiriti is important to me – in seven sentences A glimpse of mana motuhake Worst Road Trip Ever Girl from Karanema Giving away our tax cuts Philanthropy and tax – let’s have more of both Learning our history the easy way Connecting to our devices or to our earth? How to avoid the dark side of fundraising and philanthropy Equity of Voice and why it matters Good philanthropy involves looking wealth squarely in the eyes  A brief guide to the philanthropic sector and grant-seeking in Aotearoa NZ Consultancy Practical suggestions for philanthropy’s role in ending homelessness About Kate Positive change is normal, we need more of it, and it’s coming to your board room Questions to ask the person in the mirror Join us at the Philanthropy NZ summit Christmas, market models and philanthropy Inverting power dynamics, ending funding competition and addressing inequity A useful tool for board self assessments Great gifts for thoughtful New Zealanders Funding Burden – what it is, why it matters and how to lighten the load Ideas for building great governance in a family foundation Weirdness, Inequality and Inaction Solidarity not bureaucracy in the age of Covid-19 Suggested New Year’s resolutions for funders Ground Rules for Good Governance Reinventing the humble Funding Agreement 1234Plus Subscribe